Advertising & Marketing Your Online Store, Including iBuyRite, Shopify, eBay, Amazon, and more...Brick & Mortar Has Gone To Click 'N' Order!

Advertising & Marketing Your Online Store, Including
iBuyRite, Shopify, eBay, Amazon, and more...
Brick & Mortar Has Gone To Click 'N' Order!

iPRO Network is a training company that sells eProfit System courses on eCommerce and Trading, which come with at least a 100% coin back reward in the form of PROCurrency.  Two of our most popular courses are the $1,500 Accelerated eCom Jam course AND the $2,500 Advanced eComPro Academy course.  These courses both include lots of detailed training on how to advertise and market your goods, services, business, etc. on social media such as Facebook, via emails, using YouTube, etc.

Watch the iPN TrailBlazers' update and training webinar that John and Susan did on August 31st.  Fast forward to the part about the CONTENT of the eCommerce courses, and where to find the training modules to learn HOW TO ADVERTISE and MARKET your store(s) online!!!


Here are some notes from the iPRO Network company update webinar on September 6th.  You will also find a link for the recorded YouTube playback link (below).

Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) has basically suggested for several years now that if your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business. If multi-billionaires are telling us this
...then we need to be doing business online, in order to stay in business.  The writing is on the wall.  Half of the malls are even repurposing...many are closing.

Robert McNulty was at the iPRO Network Launch Event on July 7th in Costa Mesa, CA.  He founded (world's first online retailer selling a comprehensive range of consumer brand name products on the internet...) and the Home Club (chain of home improvement warehouse stores for contractor-trade and do-it-yourself customers in the U.S.)  Also a founding board member of the Home Center Industry Council for the City of Hope Cancer Research Center.

Mr. McNulty was impressed with Danny's vision about the retail sector changing so rapidly today....and his vision of cryptocurrency.  Cryptocurrency may take 4 to 6 years, yet it will become a predominate way to pay for purchases on the internet.  The market is moving so rapidly.  In the retail market sector...even Gap, Old Navy, and it's affiliates are closing hundreds more of their stores.

Brick and mortar stores' sales are sliding into the negative...about 70 to 80% of retail sales will go online.  It's really about technology.  The market is changing to a sweet spot right now and that's exactly what iPRO Network is doing right now.  People in iPRO Network are experienced marketeers.  Anybody can become a retailer and learn how to market.  Watch/listen to the recorded playback of the September 6th company update webinar, to learn about one of the compelling reasons that Robert and his team built the iBuyRite platform...with brand name products.
The 2 major things that have happened is the type of money that is used...and how it is being of the challenges that the industry has in retail...brick and mortar businesses cannot compete with the online models.  iBuyRite has stores that can be set up from scratch.

Cutting retail costs...the internet gave businesses the ability to reduce their costs...don't have the high rent, etc.  We saw early on, that the internet would help businesses save these costs.  By having millions of SKUs to sell, you can balance out margins between categories.  Clearly anybody with a brick and mortar store would become the losers. went from $55 million to over $300 million in 24 months.
They looked at Shopify and saw that you're asking people to do heavy lifting...when you say you want to be an eCommerce entrepreneur (if you have to source a product....pick, pack and ship, etc.), there is a lot more work involved.

Our strategy with iBuyRite...take the heavy lifting away...and have them market and build a business...with their influence of people.  Christian bookstore, beauty supply store with 33,000 (900 brands), pet store, and organic health food and supplements store.  Takes a few minutes to sign up and get your link right away.  You just have to learn how to drive traffic to your stores.  We want to be competitive with our prices.  If you work the takes skill.  iPRO Network will teach you the skills and then you have to drive transactions.

Power of Social Media...iBuyRite will have lots more stores in the next couple of months/years.  Pick, pack, and ship...all the way to delivery.  We will notify you and the customer when the product is shipped.  We try to ship within 24 hours.  Some of them we ship worldwide...some are the U.S. and Canada. 

The iBuyRite pet store...we are getting ready to add veterinarian supplies. 

In the $1,500 course and above, there is lots of training on how to drive traffic or the same knowledge to point traffic to a store.  For those of you who have the $1,500 EcomJam course/ will give you training for marketing these stores.

The iBuyRite stores can provide an income....what you are paying for on a monthly basis (in hosting fees) covers the technology.  People can make money just marketing these products.  On the store product get a sub-account when you sign up...a card processor account.  The profit when the card clears is up to 20%...some 14 to 18%.  That profit goes directly into your bank account you set up online during the sign up process.  As you are doing the marketing and transactions are happening, that money (your profit on the sales transaction) shows up directly in your bank account.

On the $2500 course/package, there is also further marketing from that 3-day San Diego EcomPro Academy training.  Everyone agreed Facebook was the way to go, yet others favored other advertising options.  One guy was making 6 or 7 figures online using YouTube.  There are different techniques.  You want to do all of them to see which one gives you the best results.  This training covers what these top gurus are using to sell NOW!  People were making 7 figures selling farm animal t-shirts.

Social media works well.  Robert recommends starting with Facebook.  Videos are playing a bigger and bigger role IF you use short snippets.  You have to be committed to do it though.

Today's webinar is not going to be to go through every aspect, because there are still some things to be integrated.  When we kind of came together, iBuyRite had their own model and we are converging and creating this synergistic relationship.  We are putting the final touches on should be a couple more weeks to roll it out.

The pricing is phenomenal to make a profit and also in terms of what it would cost you to recreate this on your own with this many products to sell.  It will also provide each and everyone of you a residual income as well.  We will go into those details on the next update on iBuyRite in the next week or two.

Going to have 8 to 10 more stores before the end of the year... a general book store, ladies fashion wear, etc.

This technology and these stores is such a perfect shoe-in.  Anybody with a $1500 course/package, has access to these trainings to learn how to master Facebook, YouTube, etc.  If Danny were to take one slide out of our presentation, you need to see what successful people do...success leaves clues.  Mr. McNulty saw that shopping was going to go online.  He ended up selling for over 220 million dollars.  When Danny references that slide about the brick and mortars versus click and order...if that doesn't grab your attention...if you have the entrepreneur spirit within have to follow what successful people are doing.

On the next webinar, we will talk about the launch of iBuyRite for another source of revenue and some other updates on other exciting things.